Eligibility Criteria for Candidates

General Requirements

To be eligible for this exam, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Accredited Program: Have satisfactorily completed a two-year training program in surgical oncology accredited by SOSP.
  • Recommendation letter: Applicant must submit a recommendation letter coming from the chairman and training officer of the SO program where he/she graduated, indicating his/her eligibility to take the exam.
  • Training Time: Have acquired no fewer than 96 weeks of full-time clinical activity over the two years of the training program.
  • Operative Log: Submit an operative experience report as surgeon and assistant surgeon which is deemed acceptable to the PBSO board, not only as to volume, but as to spectrum and complexity of cases. The cases must be from the applicant's fellowship training and verified by the training officer.
Surgical Oncology Society of the Philippines
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