Updates from the SOSP
Emmeline Elaine Cua-Delos Santos, MD
Jose Rhoel De Leon, MD
Ralph Lazarus Rapacon, MD
Anthony Dofitas, MD
Rodney Dofitas, MD / Anthony Dofitas, MD
Find a Surgical Oncologist
List of Fellows and Associate Members of the Surgical Oncology Society of the Philippines
Features & Highlights

Championing Leadership, saving lives.
What does it truly mean to become a successful surgeon? Is it enough that we become satisfied with our hard-earned skills after years of training, studying, and practicing? We might have recognized such questions back when we were interns, clueless about where the medical path might take us. Surgeons are oftentimes measured by their skill with the knife, them being adept at handling tissues, the size of their practice, or their wealth in the knowledge of surgical techniques and treatment.

Leadership in Surgical Oncology
Professor Sir Murray F. Brennan, GNZM, MD July 16, 2021
2021 SOSP Distinguished Surgical Oncology Lecturer
Transcript of Online Speech Delivered during 5th SOSP Annual Convention that was held on July 16, 2021

How to be a Surgical Oncologist?
(What Kind of Training is Needed?)
Surgical Oncology is a subspecialty of surgery which deals in the diagnosis, removal, and treatment of solid tumors. Majority of malignancies are usually solid tumors (e.g. carcinomas, sarcomas, or lymphomas) - and an integral part in the treatment of these tumors is performing correct and sound oncologic surgery in order to ensure better prognosis and survival.
Latest News
In the Philippines, cancer has been pegged as the third leading cause of morbidity and mortality. In the Globocan 2020, statistics show that there are 153,751 new cancer cases diagnosed with breast cancer accounting for 17.7% followed by lung cancer at 12.5%. Deaths from cancer was at 92,606. Hence, cancer has also become a national health priority.
Since the reinvigora.on of the society - one of the key vision of the new board is to make the society a boarded specialty. A lot of mee.ngs and brainstorming was done un.l - in the midst of the pandemic - the Philippine Board of Surgical Oncology was born.
About Us
Roster of SOSP Presidents
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Current Officers and Board of Trustees
Philippine Board of Surgical Oncology
Surgical Oncology Society of the Philippines

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